
A Quarter of a Century...

Yesterday marked my 25th birthday...and as I pointed out to one of my dear friends a few years ago on her 25th birthday, a quarter of my life is now over.  It was definitely funnier when I was 22 and saying it to someone else.  But, ignoring that somewhat depressing thought, it was a great birthday all around.

Florek tradition indicates that for my birthday, my Mom and I go shopping all day long.  In the past, this has included 10 hour shopping trips followed by a birthday dinner with my family.  Well, this year, with little Leila being here, was definitely different.  Knowing that we couldn't get to nearly as many places with a little one in tow, we spread my birthday shopping out over three days.  Day #1 was spent at a closing Borders, shopping for kid's books, dvds, biographies, and cookbooks.  Day #2 was Lil'Bit's first trip to the mall and, if there was ever any doubt that she was my daughter, it is completely erased based on her expert shopping skills.

I was Mommy's Shopping Buddy!!

She was completely content being pushed around in her stroller and carried by Grandma (or myself).  Leila charmed all the sales clerks with her smiles and even picked out some outfits for herself...or I might have done that.  :)  Day #3 was more shopping at Kohl's and Target, followed by a relaxing afternoon at home, then dinner out with Devin at Myako's.  Also, my wonderful sister sent me a gorgeous flower arrangement for my birthday; it was an unexpected and delightful surprise!

Flowers from Sarah!

One of the best moments of my birthday happened while Mom, Leila, and I were relaxing at home.  I was holding Lil'Bit and Mom snapped a photo of us to remember my first birthday as a mom.

Snuggling with Leila
Then, I started playing with her feet while simultaneously saying, "Happy Birfday Momma!" in a really funny voice.  Boy, did she love that!  She started laughing and smiling (and drooling, but that's a sign of happiness for her) and having a grand ol'time!  It was truly the best moment of my birthday - her being totally happy!  I quickly grabbed the camera, and here's the evidence of what a goofy sounding "Happy Birfday Momma!"  will do.

"Happy Birfday Momma!"

What a cutie pie!  Devin got home after work and finished my birthday by giving me a new lens for my camera (it's supposed to take amazing portrait shots, but I have to read about it first) and taking me out to dinner.  It was truly an awesome birthday...even if I'm a quarter of the way to pushing up daisies!! :)

Mom babysitting Leila!

1 comment:

  1. Rachel: I am glad that you had such a blessed birthday with Devin, Leila, and your mother! Danielle and I hope that you enjoyed the gifts that we sent. We can't wait for Thanksgiving!
