
Growin', Growin', Gone!!

This post (shockingly) is all about my sweet Leila Grace Ann.  First off, when she was two weeks old, she had a professional photo shoot (courtesy of Mom and Dad) and she did...well, about as well as any two week old can do.  She definitely had some very fussy moments, and I still don't understand the point of having me rock her to sleep only to wake her up for some "wide eye shots," but whatever.  The photos turned out wonderfully, and here are a couple of them below:

Then, she had her one month appointment this past Monday.  Leila was born 8 lbs. 3 oz. and 21 inches long.  Devin, Mom, and I took votes on how much she had grown; here are our votes:

Devin   9 lbs. 2 oz and 23 inches
Mom   8 lbs. 14 oz and 21 inches
Me      9 lbs. and 22 inches

Boy, were we all off (at least in the weight category).  Lil'Bit turned out to be 10 lbs. 11 oz. and 22.5 inches long; that would put her in the 90th percentile for both.  Mom said that she's outgrown her nickname of Lil'Bit, but I think we'll keep it for awhile.

The doctor said Leila was in perfect health; that she was growing perfectly; and that Devin and I were doing a fantastic job (which is always nice to hear from a professional).  Now, we're trying to conquer Tummy Time, which is always fun.

Daddy and Leila doing their Tummy Time


Home Sweet Home

Don't get used to the blogging daily...That's definitely not going to happen, but I wanted to share some pictures of our house here in Kentucky.  So enjoy!

Formal Living Room (plus Leila's carseat)

Formal Dining Room


Eat-in Area

Family Room

Guest Room #1/Scrapbooking Room

Guest Room #2

Guest Bathroom

Leila's Nursery

Leila's Crib - I love the owl bedding!

Wall Decorations - Check out the Jelly collection!

Dresser - My mom bought beautiful handpainted knobs that are on the dresser and changing table; they are different woodland creatures, and they are fabulous!

Changing Table - The banner above spells out "Leila" and was made by Alisa and Andrea ; thanks so much!!

Glider and Comforter 

Master Bedroom

Lil'Bit was asleep in our bedroom, so I snapped a picture of her as well


Arrival and Departure

So July and August have been quite the busy months...and August isn't even over yet.  Let's start with the biggest (and best!) news of all.

Baby DeBacker Arrived! - At precisely 8:06 am on July 21st, Devin and I welcomed the newest addition to our family: Leila Grace Ann DeBacker.  She was 8 pounds 3 ounces and 21 inches long, and absolute perfection.  We brought her home on Sunday, and have been in awe since then...or this might be a trance as we seem to be running low on sleep around here.  :)  Here's a picture of sweet Leila when she was born:

Taken just hours after she was born
I still can't believe the hospital let us take her home, or that there isn't some sort of parenting test we had to take before being allowed to take charge of this little being.  But, since there isn't, we've been doing the best we can since then, and enjoying almost every minute (I, personally, would enjoy a little less bonding time with her at 2:45 am, but that's besides the point.)  She continues to amaze us with all the adorable little things she does - she could move her head from side-to-side the first day she was born; she rolled on her side when she was only four days old; she smiled at two weeks old (and not the baby-dreaming smile...a real smile in response to me being goofy); and could hold her head up on her own at three weeks.  I'm not bragging or anything, but I've told Devin  since we found out I was pregnant that our baby was going to be Gifted/Talented, and she's just proving me to be right.  Of course, Devin has he doubts when she laughs about her poopy pants.  On a more serious note, she truly is a blessing and we are so very, very lucky that God put her in our lives.  

Mirror, Mirror on the wall...

Departure - Only two weeks after Leila was born, we moved to Kentucky.  Yes, for those that know me, I did move...I did not grab the nearest tree trunk, kicking and screaming, refusing to get into the car...though it did cross my mind.  :)  We moved over the weekend, and are now in a four bedroom house with a lawn that the Peps can run around in.  And now to check in with the rest of the family members...

Devin - He started his clerkship with a district court judge yesterday, and absolutely loves it.  He's already working like a dog and pulling (almost) all-nighters.  Devin has told me about all the exciting things he's going to be doing over the next year, but as they are extremely confidential, if I told you, I'd have to kill you...that, and I've never been too good with remembering all the lawyerly stuff he talks about.  I do know he's excited, he loves clerking, and he rocks at it!  (He didn't tell me that last part, but I know it's true.)

Me - Well, if you read the beginning of this blog, I'm sure you can figure out how I'm spending my free time...taking care of and entertaining Lil' Bit (aka Leila) which is pretty much a full time job.  I'm looking in to taking her to swim classes in a few weeks - she can start at six weeks - and joining a Mommy and Me group.  Today is my second full day as an official stay-at-home-mom, and while I love being with Lil' Bit, I'm going to have to find something else to do during the day (besides housework) or I might just go crazy.  I've been going at a crazy pace for so long that not having deadlines or a long To Do list during the day is a little unsettling.  I'm sure once we get completely settled in, I'll find ways to occupy my time.  It does seem very weird to not be getting ready to head back to school - no back to school shopping for extra school supplies, no going in to work on my classroom, no whining that my summer is over, no first day of school jitters...It's very strange, but I am so looking forward to watching Leila grow daily and not missing a thing!  And now, to the most important member of the family...

Pepper - She is thoroughly enjoying moving into a large house after being cooped up in an apartment for the last year,  She really loves running around the backyard, courtesy of the stake in the ground.  Pepper is getting used to having Leila around...somewhat.  She runs when Leila cries, and will sometimes give us a look like "Why did you bring that wailing creature home?" but she tolerates her well.  I'm guessing that as soon as Leila is a little more interactive, they will be the best of friends.

I think that's all that's going on right now.  I promise all posts won't be this long, but I wanted to catch up with everything that's been going on.  And now I must go start dinner...how Suzy Homemaker of me!  ;)