
"I love the Terrible Twos!"

...said no sane mother ever...

My sweet, adorable, wonderful, willing to please Leila has now become a stubborn, resistant, precocious, semi-defiant two year old.  Somedays, as she's laying on the floor crying because there is no Mickey or because I didn't get to her snack fast enough, I look at her think, "Whatwhat? Where is my sweet baby girl, and who are you?"

It's amazing how fast the transformation came around.  She was still her happy-go-lucky self as of two months ago, then BAM!  Welcome to the not-so-pretty-side of toddlerhood.

Don't get me wrong - she's still a sweetie.  She's incredibly gentle with her baby sister; she still gives out hugs and kisses like no one's business; she still likes to grab my hand to pull her down on the floor to play.  But now, on top of those sweet things, we also have temper tantrums when I dare utter the word "nap"; instant tears when Mickey is over (like Mommy really controls Disney Junior?); the word "No!" screamed at a decibel only dogs can hear when I am ridiculous enough to suggest eating a vegetable (you'd think I'd learn quicker, huh?).

I get how some specific things set her off, I really do.  For instance, I understand not wanting to nap when it's gorgeous outside and you'd rather be hitting bubbles with a stick....or not wanting to eat a vegetable because it looks like a tree and honestly, who wants to eat a tree?...or not wanting Mickey to end because he's your best friend and you've even learned to dance like him...I try to master these situations with patience and gentleness (who am I kidding here?) but sometimes, nothing works.

What I really don't get is the things that set her off that seem completely and incredibly ridiculous to me.  Prime example:
Me:  "Leila, smile for the camera!"
(For those of you without toddlers, that translates to:  Help!  Mommy's trying to suck my soul out with the demon box!  Run for you life!!  Daddy would never do this to me!!  ENGAGE COMPLETE MELTDOWN MODE!!!)

I know this is a phase, and that "This too shall pass."  Well, as much as people warn me not to wish my life away, I will admit sometimes I wish this phase of her life away...or at least, away for a day.

An encouraging thought for me during this Terrible Two's Toddlerhood Moment:  God does not give you more than you can handle...which makes me happy because, according to Leila and her mood swings, God must think I'm a superstrong WonderWoman! :)

*In the spirit of the post, I thought I'd share one of Leila's "lovelier" moments...  :)  (Mean Mommy - I know)*

Protesting Mommy taking a picture...What could I have been thinking?

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