
Visit from the Grandparents

The weather this past week has been good for one thing: curling up on the sofa with a cozy, thick blanket, a cup of hot chocolate, and reading all day.  Normally, I absolutely love these days.  I can just read...I can't see the dust on the furniture, the dog hair on the floors, the dirty clothes gathering up in the laundry room...I can simply read.

Unfortunately, this was not the idea week for this read-only weather because the GRANDPARENTS were here!  Though I know they are more interested in spending time with Leila than with me these days, I always love a visit from my parents.  ;)  They so nicely came to keep me company as Devin spent the week in Del Rio, Texas for work.  Because the weather was so dreary, we spent our time indoors: shopping for clothes for Leila (and please no comments on the fact that she has more than 100 outfits already), exploring the little towns outside of Florence, going out to eat, and honestly, just enjoying each other's company.

Dinner at Fava's Restaurant in Georgetown, Kentucky
Some of the highlights of the week included:

-Leila's first time in a restaurant:  On Monday, we were famished from our shopping trip so we decided to go to Olive Garden.  She did wonderfully!!  (And by "wonderfully" I mean, she had no idea she was in a restaurant because she slept the whole time.)

-The Flea Market in Georgetown:  Daddy did some research and found a flea market that boasted being "the best in the area!"  Always up for an adventure, we loaded Lil'Bit in the car and drove the 30 minutes to Georgetown...or at least, Daddy thought it was supposed to be 30 minutes, but it was, in fact, an hour.  And when we arrived, man, were we disappointed.  It was so gross that Mom walked through next to me threatening bodily harm if I let anything touch the stroller.  We decided to leave very, very quickly and ended up exploring the downtown area full of quaint little shops.  Our afternoon was salvaged thanks to a cute kids store and a diner named Fava's.

-Kinman Farms:  On Saturday, we all (including Devin!) went to the Fall Festival at Kinman Farms.  Though the festival wasn't all that great, it was a fun afternoon as the weather finally warmed up and dried out and we took some fun pictures in the pumpkin patch.  We then, once again, explored another small town with shops and decided to eat at a little diner/pub.  It was there that I discovered this:

The Kentucky Hot Brown
Yes, I know it looks like a plate of pig slop, but it's the best ugly-meal I've ever had!  You're looking at Texas toast, layered with turkey and ham, smothered in melted cheese, and topped with bacon, tomatoes, parmesan cheese, and a roll.  So freakin' good!

There were so many good times had this week, and despite the fact that all times were great times, I definitely have a favorite memory.  Ever since I was a little girl, Saturdays were meant for garage sales with Daddy.  I was Daddy's companion, and I cherished those early morning father/daughter times.  In college, I would come home on the weekends just to go to garage sales, and I continued that through the first three years of marriage traveling from Charlottesville to Chester just to go.  I was saddened when Devin and I moved to Kentucky because that meant no more garage sales with Daddy on Saturday mornings; there was no way I was going by myself because that's just not how it was supposed to happen.  So imagine how happy I was Friday night when Daddy reminded me what time I had to get up to hit the garage sales with him the next morning.  Such a small thing, but it's something that brings me such joy.  I hope Devin and Leila have something that's just theirs that she will love and look forward to as much as I love going to garage sales with my Daddy.

And, to close out this somewhat long post, here are a few pictures from the pumpkin patches at Kinman Farms:

My little pumpkin

Family fun times - check out Leila's piggy hat!

Leila with Grandma and Grandpa

The little John Deere Baby!


Oktoberfest Festivities!

So, not too much has happened over the past two weeks.  I have discovered that Leila likes to go "swimming" (aka splashing around in the bathtub full of water) and we've had fun taking a few swims.  She likes to try to push off the bottom of the "pool" and loves to smack her fists on top of the water.

Going swimming!
One of the highlights over the last two weeks is going to Oktoberfest in Cincinnati.  Apparently, it's the largest Oktoberfest in the country, and second in the world only to the Oktoberfest celebration in Germany...at least, that's what the website claimed.  Devin, Leila, and I went and experienced music, entertainment, lots and lots of people, and, the most important of all, German food.  Leila wasn't impressed with it very much, but Devin and I had a lot of fun!

Throughout the entire time we were there, Leila was holding Devin's fingers and never let go.  It was by far the cutest thing ever...I think it's because he was the only familiar thing in that environment for her, and she was holding on for dear life.  Anyways, here are a few shots from the festival!

Leila was not impressed

Family fun

Sleeping Beauty

Snuggling with Mom

Wide eyed on the car trip home


A Quarter of a Century...

Yesterday marked my 25th birthday...and as I pointed out to one of my dear friends a few years ago on her 25th birthday, a quarter of my life is now over.  It was definitely funnier when I was 22 and saying it to someone else.  But, ignoring that somewhat depressing thought, it was a great birthday all around.

Florek tradition indicates that for my birthday, my Mom and I go shopping all day long.  In the past, this has included 10 hour shopping trips followed by a birthday dinner with my family.  Well, this year, with little Leila being here, was definitely different.  Knowing that we couldn't get to nearly as many places with a little one in tow, we spread my birthday shopping out over three days.  Day #1 was spent at a closing Borders, shopping for kid's books, dvds, biographies, and cookbooks.  Day #2 was Lil'Bit's first trip to the mall and, if there was ever any doubt that she was my daughter, it is completely erased based on her expert shopping skills.

I was Mommy's Shopping Buddy!!

She was completely content being pushed around in her stroller and carried by Grandma (or myself).  Leila charmed all the sales clerks with her smiles and even picked out some outfits for herself...or I might have done that.  :)  Day #3 was more shopping at Kohl's and Target, followed by a relaxing afternoon at home, then dinner out with Devin at Myako's.  Also, my wonderful sister sent me a gorgeous flower arrangement for my birthday; it was an unexpected and delightful surprise!

Flowers from Sarah!

One of the best moments of my birthday happened while Mom, Leila, and I were relaxing at home.  I was holding Lil'Bit and Mom snapped a photo of us to remember my first birthday as a mom.

Snuggling with Leila
Then, I started playing with her feet while simultaneously saying, "Happy Birfday Momma!" in a really funny voice.  Boy, did she love that!  She started laughing and smiling (and drooling, but that's a sign of happiness for her) and having a grand ol'time!  It was truly the best moment of my birthday - her being totally happy!  I quickly grabbed the camera, and here's the evidence of what a goofy sounding "Happy Birfday Momma!"  will do.

"Happy Birfday Momma!"

What a cutie pie!  Devin got home after work and finished my birthday by giving me a new lens for my camera (it's supposed to take amazing portrait shots, but I have to read about it first) and taking me out to dinner.  It was truly an awesome birthday...even if I'm a quarter of the way to pushing up daisies!! :)

Mom babysitting Leila!