
Wow! You're Gonna Have Your Hands Full!!!

Now that Sophie is a little older, I'm a little more comfortable with two kids, and Leila is a little more communicative (or has fine tuned her selective hearing), we're venturing out more.  The grocery store trips don't intimidate me quite as much as they used to; lessons are something to look forward to again and not something to dread (though it's still hard to always get there on time!); and a stroll around the neighborhood is almost shoulder-shrug easy...almost.

And since we're out and about more, we're getting "noticed" more.  Now, I'll always tell you that we - and by we, I mostly mean Sophie and Leila - are getting noticed because we're a beautiful bunch of gals...but my realistic side will tell you it's because Leila is usually being such a quirkball that it's almost impossible NOT to notice her and Sophie is usually in some sort of babywearing carrier which isn't exactly common.

We get the "oooohs" and the "aaaaaahs".  I get the "Boy or girl?" question all the time (Sophie is a baldy with blue eyes so I like to dress her in blue...so sue me).  I get the "How cute are your babies?" to which I always proudly respond "So freakin' adorable, right?"  Occasionally, I'll even get, "Wow!  Your babies are so good!"  (My response:  Of course they are!  They're my babies!)

Inevitably, during all these exchanges, the admirers/curious strangers/little old biddies always ask how old each of my girls are.  "Leila is 22 months and Sophie is 3.5 months...They're about 18.5 months apart."  Upon hearing that, I'm usually left with these pearls of wisdom to ponder as the gawker walks away....really, verbal gems if you will..."Wow!!  You're gonna have your hands full!"

Now, when people first said that to me (especially during my pregnancy with Sophie when people would ask me how far apart my bebes would be) I would get defensive.  I'm not gonna lie.  I have a quick temper and one of the fastest ways for it to rear its ugly head is when people question/comment about my decisions...especially ones I can't change...pregnancy being one of them.  I would respond with: Oh no, I'll be fine.  Everything will be fine.  The age difference isn't that bad...it'll be fine.  The girls will love each immensely and have a built-in playmate and they'll be fine.  (See a pattern developing?)

Then, I would get worried.  Did I make a mistake having my girls so close?  What if it wouldn't be fine?  What if they were so close together I couldn't handle a newborn and a toddler?  What if they tagged team me and I gave in?  What if they end up hating each other because they were so close together?  What if, what if, what if?

Then, one day recently, it hit me.  My hands are full.  And now I smile.  Because when I hear "You're gonna have your hands full!" I think, yeah, I really am...My hands will be full when:

-I'm busy feeding Sophie and sweet Leila brings me a towel and a paci and the phone and a drink and some snacks all to make me comfortable and happy...and I don't even have to ask for them...

-I'm wearing Sophie in a carrier on one side and swinging Leila around and around for an impromptu Adele Kitchen Dance Party....

-I'm reading to Leila on my lap, with Sophie on her lap, and the large picture book balanced in one hand while the other hovers "just in case"...

-I'm fixing a bottle for Sophie and Leila is entertaining her sister by imitating a lion's roar....

-I'm being passed a washcloth, soap, and towel by the helpful big sister while little sister is getting a bath....

-I'm being pulled frantically towards the stairs by Leila when "Sophie cry! Sophie cry!" and Mommy needs to help her....

-I'm holding up the camera to capture the sweet moments of Leila showing Sophie all her Little People and making each one give Sophie a kiss on the cheek...

-I'm folding them in prayer and look over to see Leila's hands folded as well....then hear a resounding "AAAAAAAAAAAMEN!" when the prayer has ended...

-I'm folding laundry and the burp cloths disappear and end up on Sophie's head as "they're for baby!"....

And hopefully, one day in the near future, my hands will be full of my girls' hands, each holding Mommy tightly...

So yeah, my hands are full.  And I'm so very blessed that they are.